
Restore The Integrity Of Your Teeth

A dental crown is a protective cap that covers the entire visible part of a tooth, restoring its original shape, size, and color. There are various reasons why a porcelain crown may be necessary. The most common reason is severe tooth decay, where a filling, inlay, or onlay is insufficient to treat the cavity. Additionally, a crown may be required to repair a broken tooth or as the final step in a root canal or dental implant procedure.

At Elite Family Dental, we specialize in crafting personalized porcelain crowns that perfectly fit your mouth. Our crowns are carefully designed to match the color of your natural teeth. Furthermore, our advanced technology enables us to offer same-day crown options to accommodate your busy schedule.

How much does a dental crown cost?

The price of a dental crown depends on your health and specific requirements. We will provide you with a clear understanding of the cost before your treatment. Additionally, we have payment plan choices available to accommodate your budget.

I have a damaged crown, can you help?

Getting A Crown In Just Two Visits At Elite Family Dental

Our team is dedicated to providing you with a personalized and comfortable experience. We use biocompatible materials and gentle techniques to create our crowns. During the two-week period when the final crown is being made, we will provide you with a temporary crown that is comfortable for your bite and does not cause any discomfort to your tongue. This temporary crown serves to protect your tooth until the final crown is ready. At our dental practice, we believe that going to the dentist should be a positive and empowering experience. Our staff is committed to helping you achieve a happy and healthy smile.

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