
Achieve Straighter Teeth In Just 6 Months.

Fast Facts About Invisalign

Who qualifies as a suitable candidate for Invisalign?

Is Invisalign an option for teenagers?

What You Receive Through Invisalign At Elite Family Dental

  1. At Elite Family Dental, our process involves utilizing 3D imaging for precise visualization and planning of your outcomes.
  2. You will be provided with tailor-made aligners designed to gradually reposition your teeth correctly.
  3. Each set of aligners should be worn for 22 hours daily.
  4. You will independently transition to a new set of aligners every few weeks.
  5. Approximately every 5 weeks, you will visit us for progress tracking.
  6. The average duration of an Invisalign treatment is 12-18 months (although visible results will begin showing in a matter of weeks!).
We are passionate about assisting individuals in achieving straighter teeth with Invisalign. Witnessing the improvement in your smile as your teeth gradually shift brings us immense joy. Dr. Krishna Patel will personally supervise your treatment, ensuring its success. We are readily accessible to provide answers and address any inquiries or worries you may have.

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